Gyanveer Seva Samiti Skill Development

About Gyanveer Seva Samiti Skill Development

Gyanveer Seva Samiti Skill Development Sagar Madhya Pradesh Our organization Gyanveer Seva Samiti is a leading organization in Madhya Pradesh. We are working for the upliftment of unemployed youth, girls, women etc. in Madhya Pradesh. In this, we are working for employment and women empowerment. Our organization expanded in the financial year 2013, in which we established an industrial training center named Gyanveer ITI and in the year 2015, Gyanodaya ITI Our organization Gyanveer Seva Samiti, established in I Jaisinagar District Sagar, since 2016 has been providing training to unemployed young men and women in different states of the country through various schemes being run by the government in the field of skill development and helping them in running their lively hood. Provides and Various schemes are also being implemented by our organization in the field of women empowerment. In the financial year 2021, our organization got recognition as an associate organization of the National Skill Development Corporation of Gyanveer Seva Samiti, Sagar Delhi, since then and continuously till date. Institution working as we are providing various job roles like, Solar Panel Installation Technician, Drone Operator, Assistant Electrician, C.C.T.V. Installation technicians, beauty parlors for girls and women, Sewing, Embroidery, Hand embroidery, Computer and other courses are providing training to unemployed youths who have left studies and connecting them with employment and self-employment in various fields.

Sector of Trained

  1. Apparel, Made-up’s and Home Furnishing: Participants will learn how to create simple embroidery designs, create embroidery designs from hand drawings, and understand the design. the end of the program, the learner should have acquired the listed knowledge and skills. Draft and cut the fabric. Carry out the process of sewing for dress materials and common household items of textiles. Carry out inspections and alterations to adjust corrections for fittings.
  2. Beauty & Wellness: The end of the program ,the learner Should have individual with experience in body and skincare treatments to provide a range of beauty services efficiently and effectively in a safe and hygienic working environment. The individual must exhibit a pleasant personality, excellent interpersonal and communication skills and be sensitive when dealing with client’s for body and facial treatments.
  3. Construction: The end of the program ,the learner Should have expected to be physically fit and should be able to work across various locations in with standing extreme conditions while working at the site; well versed with tasks and functions of basic electrical work. The person must be able to work within a team, handle the various tools and materials related to electrical work safely, consciously and take responsibility for own work. where he needs to be physically fit and mentally alert to withstand working in a difficult and tough construction environment while responding to the needs and requirements of the tasks. He should be extra safety conscious.
  4. Healthcare Sector : The end of the program ,the learner Should have the individual to work in collaboration with Doctors and Nurses and other healthcare providers and deliver the healthcare services as suggested by them. The individual should be result oriented. The individual should also be able to demonstrate basic patient care skills, communication skills and ethical behavior. The individual should be willing to work in wards or clinics in shifts.
  5. IT-Ites : The end of the program ,the learner Should have Knowledge of Individuals are responsible to provide daily work reports and work on daily hour bases. The individual is responsible for electronic entry of data from the client side to the office site or vice-versa. Individual tasks vary depending on the size and structure of the organization.
  6. Management & Entrepreneurship and Professional : The end of the program ,to able core responsibility includes guarding against theft, criminal acts, emergencies, fire and other contingencies.
  7. Indian Plumbing : The end of the program ,to able installation and repair of plumbing fittings and fixtures in ‘contractors’ segment.
  8. Power Sector : The end of the program ,You have strong hands, ability to work for long working hours/nights, good eye visibility and ability to communicate to customer and resolve their problems. The individual should be ethical and well behaved.
  9. AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED: The end of the program ,individual to have ability to work independently, bearing risks and must have ability to work hard and take decisions pertaining to his area of work. The individual should be result oriented and should be responsible for his/her own learning and working. She/he should be able to assess and analyze various opportunities & threats pertaining to climate and market conditions .
  10. Electronics Sector Skills: The individual must have: ability to work in standing position for long hours, good physical strength to handle solar panels and willingness to work in outdoor settings at varied locations such as roof tops, fields, urban or rural.
  11. Automotive Sector Skills - The automotive industry comprises a wide range of companies and organizations involved in the design, development, manufacturing, marketing, selling, repairing, and modification of motor vehicles. It is one of the world's largest industries by revenue.
  12. Truism & Hospitality Sector Skills - The hospitality and tourism industry is a vast sector that includes all the economic activities that directlyb or indirectly contribute to, or depend upon, travel, tourism and hospitality.